May 2009 Volume 1 Number 5 Other items that should be placed in the roofing file include a roof plan; the location of any hidden conduit; drawings and specifications (as built); copies of labels on roofing materials, including UL, FM, ASTM or ANSI designations; and trade names of materials. A total roof management program will […]
April 2009 Volume 1 Number 4 Sometimes use of a building changes, causing factors that affect a roof’s performance to also change. Exhaust or humidity / condensation levels may change or there may be an increase in foot traffic or equipment may be stored on the roof. Now that we’ve identified factors that directly affect […]
March 2009 Volume 1 Number 3 Roofing systems are assets and have a finite life expectancy. Life expectancy can range from as little as 5 years to as much as 30 years, with 20 years being a good milestone when replacement or significant restoration will need to be performed. Few people would purchase a new […]
February 2009, Vol. 1 #2 The most important reason for establishing a roof management program is to protect the capitol investment of a new roof. Proper roof management will not only add years to the life of your roof, it will also uncover problems before a roof leak saturates insulation, creates indoor air quality problems, […]
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