
When’s the Best Season for Roof Maintenance?

Your roof helps to protect you and your family from the elements. Therefore, it’s only right to ensure your roof is ready for harsh weather. But when is the best time of the year for roof maintenance? It largely depends on the climate you live in. Here are some examples of climate types and the best time for roof maintenance. 

When's the Best Season for Roof Maintenance?

Cold Climates

Winter in cooler climates makes it next to impossible to work on your roof. For example, asphalt shingles installed in cold weather may not be exposed to the heat necessary for the sealant to activate. While the cold weather won’t make too much of a difference to your roof when shingles are already installed, installing new shingles or replacing old ones when the temperature is under 50 degrees Fahrenheit is a nightmare. 

Therefore, the most popular time of the year for roofing companies in cold climates is right after winter ends. Thankfully we live in an area where we do not see snow during our winter months. That’s not to say Spann Roofing doesn’t operate during the winter. Spann has adapted our business practices for the cold.

Warm Climates

In warm climates, peak roofing season is typical during the spring or fall months. This is because the summer heat can be tough on roofers as they work outside. On top of that, shingles become hot to the touch when exposed to heat. During these months, roofers often have to wear gloves in order to protect themselves. 

To combat this, some roofers choose to work around the sun. They work in the morning, take a mid-day break, and begin work again once the sun is setting. Spann Roofing also takes safety precautions to ensure its roofers are protected from the blistering heat. It’s the same with the cold climates, you may have to pay a premium price for roofing services during warm months. 

Stormy Climates

Any area that experiences a strong storm season will have its own peak roofing season. For example, if you live in an area that’s often affected by hurricane season, you will need to plan your roofing needs around hurricane season. For the Atlantic, hurricane season runs from June 1st to November 30th. Getting work done on your roof – unless it’s an emergency – is often frowned upon during this time, like a hurricane or tropical storm can take you back to square one.

Unfortunately, tornados are next to impossible to predict. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says tornadoes are most common during the spring months. Therefore, you may need to plan around these months. Homeowners who live in tornado ally will also have to plan around tornado season. Roofers have to keep an eye on their local forecasts to avoid conducting roofing work when thunderstorms are in the area. 

Moderate Climates

If you’re one of the lucky ones who get to live in a moderate climate, there’s not much you have to plan around. If workers don’t have to worry about blistering heat or frigid temperatures, they can operate on your roof year-round. With that being said, you should still monitor the forecast. If your area is expecting heavy storms, high winds, a heatwave, or a cold front, you may want to put off your roofing needs. 

Emergency Roof Maintenance Services

If you are in need of emergency roofing services, you should contact Spann Roofing immediately, regardless of the time of year. Putting off much-needed roof work can lead to catastrophic damages. While you may have to pay an added fee for labor, these services can help prevent further damages that may cost thousands of dollars to resolve. 

A roof is a complex structure with many different parts. Therefore, damage to one part of your roof can cause damage elsewhere. For example, a small crack in your roof could lead to a major leak from a storm. Because of this, you should never put off roofing services because of the time of year. 

Call A Professional Roofer for Roof Maintenance

If you are in need of maintenance services, call Spann Roofing. Even if you are unsure what the best time of the year is for maintenance, a local roofer can provide you with the insight you need. Maintenance services can help ensure your roof is ready for extreme weather, so don’t put it off any longer! Spann Roofing is here to help you maintain your roof.

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