
Compared To The Cost of Replacing Your Roof, Ongoing Maintenance Is A Drop In The Bucket


An unexpected expense of repairing or replacing your roof directly affects your employees, your tenants and your bottom line. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

The life of your roof is directly related to how often it is inspected and how quickly small problems are identified and repaired. The federal government, which is the largest building owner in the United States, found that their average roof lasted less than 5 years before leakage occurred and less than 8 years before replacement. A national roofing association has shown that as many as 35% of all roofs do not reach their life expectancy. Of the causes identified with premature roof failure 47% is due to poor workmanship, 16% to poor design, 9% each to faulty materials and weathering, 8% each to trapped moisture or mechanical damage and 3% to roof traffic. If you do not now have a formalized program to inspect, identify and repair roof problems, how long will your roof last?

Spann Roofing & Sheet Metal will help you:

  • Track roof condition assessments so that you always know the status of your roofing systems
  • Maintain your roof with services such as:

o Roof Repairs And UpFits o Roof Maintenance Plans

o Infrared Surveys

o Metal Roof And Single-Ply Coating & Restorations

You deal with enough surprises. Your roof doesn’t have to be one of them!

Contact Spann Roofing & Sheet Metal today and learn how we can help maintain your roof, your operating budget and your sanity.


The Best Alternative To Reroofing…Spann Preventive Maintenance


We inspect your roof and find deficiencies that may cause problems now or down the road. We clean your roof and gutters of debris that may clog gutters or drains or restrict water flow. We make permanent repairs to deficiencies we find. We fill low / empty pitch pockets.

We document our findings in a written report that includes before & after pictures of repairs.


459 Allied Dr. • Conway, S.C. 29526 • 843-347-2220 • Fax: 843-347-9719

© 2025 SPANN Roofing & Sheet Metal, INC.  |  459 Allied Drive, Conway, SC 29526

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